Friday, March 26, 2010

gnuplot point types

I was using gnuplot today and wanted a list of the different point types which are available so I could choose a suitable one.

After visiting the internet, I couldn't find a list so I made my own:

echo plot `perl -e 'for ($i = 0; $i < 30; $i++) {print " \"<echo $i 1\" u 1:2 pt $i ps 2 notitle, ";}'` | sed 's/,$//' | gnuplot -persist
echo set term postscript enhanced\; set output \'./points.eps\'\; plot `perl -e 'for ($i = 0; $i < 90; $i++) {print " \"<echo $i 1\" u 1:2 pt $i ps 1 notitle, ";}'` | sed 's/,$//' | gnuplot

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