The script below corrects this by applying the catalogue data from the text file to the MP3 metadata. Use at your own risk!
import re import eyed3 from pathlib import Path if __name__ == "__main__": file = open('jb7_catalogue.txt', 'r') big_list ='\n') cd_dict = {} lineno = 1 for line in big_list: m = re.match('^(\d)+$', line) if m: title = big_list[lineno - 2] if re.match('^(\d|[A-Z])+$', title): title = big_list[lineno - 3] artist = title if '/' in title: artist = title.split(' / ')[0] title = title.split(' / ')[1] if artist not in cd_dict: cd_dict[artist] = {} cd_dict[artist][title] = big_list[lineno:lineno+int(line)] lineno += 1 processed = 0 for artist, album in cd_dict.items(): print("processing {} of {}: {} .".format(processed, len(cd_dict.keys()), artist)) for title, tracks in album.items(): print("processing album {}".format(title)) trackcounter = 0 for track in tracks: for f in list(Path("/path/to/brennan/exported/mp3/directory/").rglob("{}.mp3".format(track))): if artist in str(f) and title in str(f): trackcounter += 1 mp3file = eyed3.load(f) mp3file.initTag() mp3file.tag.artist = artist mp3file.tag.album = title mp3file.tag.title = track mp3file.tag.track_num = trackcounter processed += 1 print("Done" )
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